Purpose statement

This blog will provide a record of my activities while participating in the Pacific Century Fellows program; starting up Kuleana Micro-Lending; assisting Rep. Jessica Wooley, Common Cause Hawai'i and Voter Owned Hawai'i in their legislative initiatives; and working with the Clarence T.C. Ching PUEO (Partnerships in Unlimited Educational Opportunities) program. I've also included excerpts from books and magazines I've read, along with presentations and lectures I've attended that address relevant topics and issues.

Not everyone can be famous, but everyone can be great because everyone has the capacity to serve.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Blue Sweater, Chapter 5, The Blue Bakery

"Poverty won't allow him to lift his head: dignity won't allow him to bow it down."
— Madagasy proverb

I wanted to know what it would take to build a business that actually created jobs for poor people.

...we show the world who we are through our actions, not merely through words or intentions.

The world had written off this little group, yet they had a chance to do something important for themselves, and in doing so, maybe they would change perceptions of what the poorest women are capable of accomplishing.

...we were all in this together.

...the women began to see— for the first time in their lives— a real correlation between the effort they put into their work and the income they earned.

...listening is not just having the patience to wait, it is also learning how to ask questions themselves. People who've always been dependent on others for some kind of charity or goodwill often have a hard time saying what they really want because usually no one asks them. And if they are asked, the poor often think no one really wants to hear the truth...still building trust.

Money is freedom and confidence and choice. And choice is dignity.

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