Purpose statement

This blog will provide a record of my activities while participating in the Pacific Century Fellows program; starting up Kuleana Micro-Lending; assisting Rep. Jessica Wooley, Common Cause Hawai'i and Voter Owned Hawai'i in their legislative initiatives; and working with the Clarence T.C. Ching PUEO (Partnerships in Unlimited Educational Opportunities) program. I've also included excerpts from books and magazines I've read, along with presentations and lectures I've attended that address relevant topics and issues.

Not everyone can be famous, but everyone can be great because everyone has the capacity to serve.

Monday, July 11, 2011

David Brooks— The Social Animal: The Map Meld

Marital satisfaction generally follows a U-shaped curve. couples are deliriously happy during the first years of marriage. Their self-reported satisfaction declines and bottoms out when their children hit adolescence, then it climbs again as they enter retirement.

There's something to the old joke that women need to feel loved in order to have sex and men need to have sex in order to feel loved.

Highly educated women are much more likely to perform oral sex, engage in same-sex activity, and experiment with a variety of other activities than less-educated women. Religious women are less adventurous than non-religious women, though the desires of religious men are not much different than those of secular ones. (Roy Baumeister, The Cultural Animal: Human Nature, Meaning, and Social Life

They say that foreplay for a woman is anything that happens twenty-four hours before intercourse.

An organsm is not a reflex. It's a perception, a mental event... some women can achieve orgasm just by thinking the right thoughts... the mental traits that are associated with ease of orgasms— a willingness to surrender control, the ability to be hyptnotized, the inability to control thoughts during sex...

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